Rhodora Colors
Bird in Spruce
Cotton Grass Splendor
Spruce in Fog
Moss and Sticks
Life will be very busy for a few more months with gardening as a diversion.
We hope to slow down when we get settled in a new location this Fall. The new location is near an old location for us which we are excited about returning to after 15 plus years. Hint is the state's name has Mexico in it, but it is one of the 50! We left a different area of the state around 11 years ago and although we cannot afford to be near the "city different" which is an art capital of the US as well as a governmental capital, we will be in a beautiful area with lots of native americans living nearby. I expect to be grocery shopping in a native american pueblo as that will be the closest grocery store by many miles. Multiculturalism at its finest is found in this state and tolerance is part of the culture.