Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week Five..What and Where is this!

We have had a wonderful time over the past 6 weeks with a slightly more relaxed schedule.  We have tried to take one "field trip" per week so that we can enjoy our winter home and I can take hundreds of photos for future reference.  The theme lately has been Native American sites within one hour of our winter home. We have revisited Montezuma's Well and Montezuma's Castle.  We were so impressed that we joined the Verde Valley Archeological Center that day!  I popped into Tuzigoot one day when I needed to do some chores in Cottonwood and yesterday we hiked to the top of Sacred Mountain in the Beaver Creek area near the V Bar V Heritage site.  I have been interested in archeology for years, especially since our first extended trips to New Mexico in 1999.  We now live within a few hundred feet of an excavated pueblo and I hike often on the "pueblo trail" in our community.

This 8" by 8" kaleidoscope was created from a picture taken at Montezuma Well
 in an area where the water comes out into an irrigation ditch before going into Beaver Creek.
$50, contact me to purchase.

original photo is below

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